Google Maps

Explore where real-world insights and immersive location experiences can take your business

Geo-location APIs

Google Maps Platform

Google Maps Platform is Google’s mapping platform that provides maps of over 200 countries and regions. Users can customize maps, view Street View images, route destinations, and use maps to do business. For more information, please visit the Google Maps Platform website.



The world’s most widely used Smart Maps, featuring easy-to-use, customizable maps and 360-degree Street View imagery covering 99% of the world.


Plan your route to your destination based on real-time traffic conditions to get the most cost-effective and time-saving route.


Give people access to the location of a place and essential information such as phone numbers, addresses, and business hours. 


Ride-hailing service, delivery transportation service 

Create a better transportation experience with real-time data to determine the best route and predict the cost per trip.

Track the location of vehicles, goods, assets

Identify the location of assets in real time, show the route that has been passed and help determine the route.

Store location, branch

Help customers access the location of the nearest store or branch.


Merge your world and games with customizable 3D structures and state-of-the-art global data.